Recently, our class went to the Pace Galleries, and I saw the coolest thing ever. The name of this piece of art is Football Face, by Irving Penn, and I thought this picture was attempting to degrade the notion of women putting on make-up. Every time I glance back at the photograph, I think about all the reasons women use cosmetics. Usually, the purpose behind using make-up is to cover up any unwanted marks or blemishes on the face. Perhaps this is a wrong-doing according to Penn, and maybe people should learn to appreciate and take note of what sets them apart from others. Here’s the problem: when people try to meet others, the first thing they’ll look at is each others faces. Therefore, if the face is not looking its best, its a problem.
People are so concerned about the way they look; its evident every time you open up the T.V. Loads of commercials pop-up about eyeliner, lipsticks, mascara, acne treatments, and much more. However, the issue that Penn was trying to point out is that when we use these products, its more or less us creating a mask on the face. Is that the way we are to meet each other, by throwing on a mask before we walk up to them? It happens so quickly and so often that not many of us realize it, but it is true. Women put on all types of skin products, and many try to alter their skin pigmentation. For example, women of darker complexions use facial creams with bleach to lighten their facial color, and others of pale complexions tan their skin to get darker. The problem is that women change themselves to become something that they’re not in order to please the public. At that point, they are deceiving the public.
So what happens when all that make-up comes off? The same thing that happens when a person’s mask comes off: pure embarrassment. The meaning behind this photograph is extremely intense, and it might just be offending as well. Nonetheless, its inevitable: make-up doesn’t improve the way a person looks. It just makes the person look worse after it comes off.