About two weeks ago, my Art History professor, Gail Levin, invited our class to see her exhibition at the Sidney Mishkin Gallery right here at Baruch. Professor Levin’s exhibition featured the works of the late Theresa Bernstein, who was a 20th century American artist, painter, and writer. What I like most about Bernstein’s works of art is the messages she always tries to convey within them. Bernstein is a realist painter, and often depicts many aspects of NYC. Some of the subjects in Bernstein’s paintings are immigrants. She does this to show the hardships immigrants faced at the time–the struggle of coming to America and assimilating into NYC life. Bernstein was also famous for her works that showed everyday life in NYC, such as painting break dancers in Central Park. If you are interested, the exhibition will be open at the Sidney Mishkin Gallery at 135 East 22nd St. until December 11.