Visit to Galerie Richard

Today, I walked out of school unsure of what to do, or where to go. I was headed towards the High Line Park, until I bumped into a few art galleries. One of them was called Galerie Richard, and the works of William Bradley were exhibited there. Bradley’s work is exceptional. It looks simple at first, but if you take the time to stare at the paintings a bit longer, a lot can be discovered.


For example, this image up top is one of his works, and the reason why its so interesting is because no one knows what’s going on. Of course there has to be a meaning associated with the colors, and different shades of red and blue. When it comes to color, I always associate it with emotions. Considering the amount of red in the painting, one could say that the artist is angry, or is upset about something. Or maybe he thought these were the best three colors to use to grad the viewer’s attention. So that’s that for the colors. How about the fact that there’s so much overlapping going on in the artwork? How come things weren’t more spread out? I don’t like seeing all of that congestion in the center, so I think the artist should have used all the space in the painting. Now there’s too much red in the painting. But there is in fact one thing that I like: the different hues of color is something that makes this painting stand out. The light blue and darker shades of blue, and bright red and crimson, make the panting look bold. What I mean is, I believe this painting isn’t just an example of paint splattered on a paper. There’s more to it, but to find out, we’d have to go through Bradley’s imagination. This painting is called “Fun and Games.” It does look like some of the drawings I made when I was younger, so I guess Bradley really did use his imagination.



I didn’t know what to think of this one when I saw it, but all I knew was that it was real cute. Many thoughts came to my head upon seeing this image. First, I thought of Pacman, then I thought of a fetus, and lastly I thought of a person’d head, too consumed with the problems in the world. I tried to make sense of what I saw, and I came up with that last conclusion, because I saw blue and green on the sides of the giant circle. Those colors and dripping from the person’s mouth, so it could portray greed too. Its a weird drawing, and I feel even more weird trying come up with explanations for the weird painting. I wish Bradley could explain what he was drawing and why.