Author Archives: profeversley

About profeversley

Dr. Shelly Eversley writes about twentieth century American literature and culture. She teaches American literature at Baruch College, CUNY.

Greg Broom Studio Visit

Hello Everyone,

On Tuesday 9/10, we will visit photographer Greg Broom at his Studio on West 29th Street.  We will meet inside the VC campus lobby, near the 25th Street entrance. Please explore these links so that you have a sense of his work, and so that you can think about some questions before we arrive:

Welcome to Seminar I: The Arts in New York City!!

Hello Everyone!  You are one of the VIPs in our seminar in which we will not just talk about seeing, hearing, and thinking about art, but we’ll also explore it.  And we’ll do it together.  This blog is our virtual community.  Please use it to express yourself and your thinking about what we’re doing in the classroom, and about what you see when we go into the City together.  You can also use this blog as your point of reference–the syllabus, contact information, updates, and supplemental reading and resources are all here.

After formal introductions, we’ll spend some time during our first class session discussing Jay-Z’s performance art video, “Picasso Baby:  A Performance Art Film” (dir.  Mark Romanek). What does it mean that he understands himself as a Picasso, and as Picasso?