Hello and welcome!
I will be your ITF for Prof Eversley’s Seminar one course. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about your projects for the course. My office will be Tuesdays 10-2 and by appointment. You can also contact me through gchat, which is the instant message function of gmail. I will be online Mondays from 10 to 2. I look forward to meeting and working with you all!
Here is my official bio:
Kara Van Cleaf is a PhD candidate in Sociology at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY). At the University of Kansas, she earned an MA in Sociology and a BA in Psychology and in Anthropology. Her academic interests include feminist and social theory, the family, cultural studies of technology, and the economies of motherhood. Her dissertation research examines how motherhood and blogging inform each other. She currently works as an Instructional Technology Fellow at Macaulay Honors College, CUNY. She is an adjunct at The Fashion Institute of Technology, SUNY and has taught sociology courses at John Jay College, Fordham University, Brooklyn College, and Hunter College. She also worked as a CUNY Writing Fellow at Kingsborough Community College and as a Teaching Fellow at Hunter College School of Public Health.
…and my unofficial bio:
Beyond reading, writing, and teaching sociology, I also love to practice yoga and take long walks through Brooklyn. I have two children who will both be in elementary school this year. My favorite job (besides being and ITF and sociology instructor!) was working as a barista in a coffee shop. I grew up in Texas and Kansas but NYC is, of course, my favorite.