Author Archives: Will Lorenzo

About Will Lorenzo

My name is Will Lorenzo, and I'm a Pure Mathematics and Film Studies double major with a minor in Italian at Macaulay Brooklyn College. You can call me Willie G, for short. I collect comic books and non-sport trading cards in my spare time. I truly am what most would consider a gigantic nerd. I am also somewhat of a film aficionado and enjoy watching all kinds of movies - especially my two favorite movies My Cousin Vinny (1992) and Superman: The Movie (1978), each of which I have seen over 50 times. I also spend a lot of time watching all different kinds of TV shows, my favorite of which is George Reeves' The Adventures of Superman. If anyone has seen The Big Bang Theory, I would consider myself the real life, Roman Catholic version of Howard Wolowitz. My favorite time of year is Christmastime, because it's just awesome - it's cold, cheerful, and just a happy time. As opposed to the rest of the year where it's not too cheerful and actually pretty miserable. I live my life based on Cee Lo Green's masterpiece, "Fu Forget You." Well, there's nothing more to say about me, so let me leave you with the words of John McClane: "Yippee Ki-Yay Mothe...!"

My Journal

Over the course of the semester, I have been gathering a few topics related to the course that I am interested in. The first thing that really caught my attention during the semester was how fashion relates to Fred Astaire … Continue reading

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