Quantum wha?

I have attended a lecture titled “Quantum fluctuations in hydrogen bond networks: from atmospheric science to enzyme catalysis” featured by Thomas E. Markland, a Ph.D professor from the University of Stanford. The moment I entered the room for the seminar, I felt an awkward discomfort because I was the only person there in the middle of the room. Eventually a large crowd of professors from CCNY flooded into the room from a small meeting with food.

As the only student in attendance, I understood only a small portion of what the talk entailed. However, I was able to understand the general gist of what Professor Markland was studying. He discussed the effects of quantum mechanics on hydrogen bonding of molecules. Hydrogen bonding is one of the attractive forces in the world that give certain molecules peculiar properties. Water can exhibit capillary action through hydrogen bonding. Hydrogen bonding is taught in a rather simple way: any hydrogen that comes into contact with any of the three electronegative species (Fluorine, Oxygen, or Nitrogen) creates this partial bond that is significantly stronger than any other intermolecular force. However, once quantum mechanics is applied to this concept, the chemistry becomes much harder to quantify and study.

Quantum mechanics is applied to the smallest species that makes the largest difference: the electrons. Electrons are extremely small particles that are the basis of bonding. Sharing and transferring of these electrons create bonds, but quantum mechanics blurs the line between particle and wave. Because of their size, electrons exhibit strange qualities, which is described by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle: it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of an electron. Because of this phenomenon, hydrogen bonding is seen in a new light.

The majority of Professor Markland’s work dealt with how quantum mechanics fluctuates the effects of hydrogen bonding by isolating a specific amount of water molecules and checking their interactions with each other. Using this data, he saw how this affected a specific enzyme at their hydrogen bonding centers. His methodology was extremely well planned and controlled, but complicated in terms of the technology and terms he used to describe the process.

The importance of mathematics and statistics was emphasized because quantum mechanics is mainly statistics of electrons and their influence on hydrogen bonds. He threw around terms like the “Hamiltonian,” which I had little to no idea what it meant. Although his entire presentation seemed hard to understand for me, the majority of the professors in the room were actively asking questions and needing clarifications, which lead to more intense conversations. As a person who usually has a lot to say, in the middle of these conversations I was but a speck of dirt in terms of intelligence and expertise. However, it was extremely interesting and encouraging that I was able to gain a small understanding of the basic concepts he used in his presentation from my education.

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