NAWA Exhibit – New York, New York


After a long and treacherous journey from the CSI campus to Manhattan, I finally arrived at the NAWA exhibit at around 4:30 in the afternoon. After searching the block for nearly ten minutes, I finally came upon the small entrance tucked away between a parking lot and some other large building. I’m ashamed to say I actually needed help to figure out how to get inside. Eventually I made my way to the exhibit on the fourth floor.

Once there, I saw various forms of art on display. Some of these included “Elephant Mountain,” “Sleeping Tiger” and others. There were many sculptures and paintings that caught my attention, particularly the paintings that had been finished with a shiny coat of varnish, however the one that spoke to me the most is the painting titled “Putting her back together again” by Corinne Collymore Peters. The painting wasn’t the only thing that caught my eye; the $5000 price tag is hard to ignore.

Besides the price, the thing that made me start thinking was the individuality of this painting amongst a large amount of other unique paintings. The usage of various sized canvases and empty space really portrayed that this woman was broken up into pieces, and some pieces were still missing. The painting is of a woman  applying makeup, which could mean that she is attempting to hide her shortcomings under a beautiful facade. The usage of dark tones drove home the dark  subject matter that the painting portrays and left me brainstorming ideas for a back-story to the painting.