Robert Mapplethorpe's Art & Gender Roles Within It

Robert Mapplethorpe’s Art & Gender Roles Within It

When looking at art, one can try and identify whether there is a message to understand or something to decipher within the piece, that we…

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"American, why don't you honor your poets?"

“American, why don’t you honor your poets?”

In American society, innovation is respected more than tradition. Our country’s very birth was a negative reaction to long-established institution. The new and the bold…

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NAWA visit

NAWA visit

          I have visited the NAWA exhibit on Saturday, Sep. 28th. It was a small exhibition, hidden on the 4th floor,…

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Seminar 3

Seminar 3

During class, Professor French explained that some artists believed their art not to be an expression of themselves, but, rather, an expression of God. This…

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NAWA Exhibit - New York, New York

NAWA Exhibit – New York, New York

After a long and treacherous journey from the CSI campus to Manhattan, I finally arrived at the NAWA exhibit at around 4:30 in the afternoon….

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NAWA Exhibit- Sacred Poem LXVII

NAWA Exhibit- Sacred Poem LXVII

Upon entering the NAWA Exhibit one of the first things I did was talk to our host, Diane Price, about her opinions on some of…

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Arts in NY Seminar 3

Arts in NY Seminar 3

One of the strangest parts of our discussion in last week’s Arts in NY seminar was when Professor French mentioned that some artists do not…

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