Our Visitor Jenny West

As a casual painter, I was excited for our guest Jenny West, because she is a painter as well. As soon as she turned on her camera, I noticed all of the beautiful paintings behind her. I noticed all of her paintings are colorful, abstract, and very appealing visually. While observing her paintings, I began to realize that art especially when it comes to painting does not need to be realistic and detailed. I am somewhat of a perfectionist, so when I paint, I oftentimes get hung up over my mistakes. Sometimes, I don’t even enjoy painting because I want my art to come out as perfect. Observing Jenny’s paintings made me realize I need to let myself go when I paint and not care about the little mistakes I make. I also now know I can paint more abstract things such as geometric patterns (which I love), rather than landscapes and animals. As I listened to Jenny, she mentioned her style of painting and how she comes up with the beautiful pieces that she has. Jenny mentioned the science behind the visual things that we enjoy, such as our favorite paintings and eye-catching logos, and she uses the same technique in her art. Listening to her talk about the science of aesthetics made me want to do more research on the topic so I can implement those same techniques in my artwork. Not just painting, but I thought about using those techniques when I make cards, so my cards are more eye-catching and aesthetically pleasing. Jenny West’s visit was really eye-opening for me, and I will now take the things I learned from her and use them in my art.

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