Favorite Photographs- Activist NYC

Forums Class Discussion Films and photographs Favorite Photographs- Activist NYC

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    Paul Fusco- USA. San Francisco. January 19, 2003. Anti-war demonstration against war with Iraq.

    Paul Fusco- USA. New York City. 2003. Students march against war in Iraq.

    I chose these picture because New York City has always been a center for activism. The fact that there are always so many people around places like Times Square make it a perfect place to raise awareness about issues that are present in the US and around the world. The types of protests that take place in NYC are not always typical; rather than just walk around with signs, people will dress up, have rallies, or do different activities in protest of events, which attract more people. It makes me glad to see that activists have taken advantage of the large amounts of people and the lively nature of the city in order to make the world a better place, and I think both these photos capture this sentiment.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by lucialopezfdc.
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