Man on Wire: My Two Cents

Forums Class Discussion Films and photographs Man on Wire: My Two Cents

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  • #630
    Adam Wolfson

    Personally, I was surprised by how different the ‘real’ (quotes because this is obviously filtered through the filmmaker’s impressions) Philippe was from my impressions from reading LTGWS*. Compared to the rebellious thrill seeker of the movie, the book version was so… Zen. Looking back, even though I knew he was from France, my mental image was of a little bald asian man in his thirties or forties. It’s odd how I never realized that didn’t match the the text until I saw the real person. There were a few other things that surprised me as well, like the fact that it was framed like heist movie. I mean yes, it works, but it was not at all what I was expecting.

    *Let The Great World Spin

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Adam Wolfson.
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