The 87-Year Old Photographer

Forums Class Discussion Films and photographs The 87-Year Old Photographer

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  • #510
    Anthony Viola

    Out of the three photographers I selected to look up, Elliott Erwitt was my favorite. Of the New York pictures that I could find, all of them were taken with amazing quality and in black and white. My person favorite of these three photos is the one of the Flatiron Building because nothing appeals to me more than a gloomy, rainy day in Manhattan. The view from Central Park of the vast skyscrapers come in a close second. However, the girl shown by the pond is a very artsy photo that I enjoyed as well.

    Erwitt is 87 years old and still alive today.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Anthony Viola.
    Anthony Viola


    Erwitt 2

    Erwitt 3

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