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Graffiti culture of NYC

            New York City has a rich graffiti culture that started in the 1970s on the subways. It has made its way into museums and the hearts of New Yorkers still until the present day. People have used street art to express themselves and their views, giving “a voice to the voiceless.” These artists rarely work for money or fame but rather for their own personal inspiration. They come night after night to make their mark on the city despite the liabilities associated. We invite you to take a look at our pages to learn about the people of New York City through graffiti.

Personalities of NYC

             So often do people express talent in New York City: be it through art, dance, or magic tricks, for instance. But how often do people perform solely based on personality, one that may not even be their own? Take one of the most visited places in New York, for example. From childhood icons like Elmo to Marvel superheroes like Spider-Man, Times Square isn’t Times Square without the people dressed as these characters: most of which happen to be immigrants. Hidden underneath the guise of various costumes, these people find performing as characters of many kinds to be a readily available job in New York City, one that was known to have contributed to Times Square’s redevelopment in the late twentieth century. However, as of recent years, these performers have been facing legal restrictions as a result of cases of misconduct. This legal intervention may pose a threat to those who rely on the profession as a source of income, not only because of physical restrictions, but because of a worsening reputation as well. We plan to explore the ways in which this form of performing plays into New York City’s history, and how the law affects the lives of those involved in it, for better or for worse. However, performing beneath a costume isn’t the only way through which personality is used as the main act of a performance. Places like the Nuyorican Poets Cafe, which started out for the performances of people of color, allow the people of New York to show the world their personality in fulfilling ways. The stage offers a voice to those who might feel their personalities or the ideas they embody are not appreciated and valued. So maybe one day, one can see that their personality is not only appreciated by NYC, but the world. Through a costume or an open mic, people find different ways to express personalities that contribute one way or another to what New York City is today.

The Dancers of NYC

                 Whether you are a New Yorker who stops by to watch or scurries through the audience- forming a crowd on the sidewalk, street dance is as ingrained into the city’s culture as dollar slices or curb alerts on Craigslist. Breaking, a form of street dance, originated in the Bronx amongst African American and Puerto Rican communities in the 1970s. It was an improvised, social form of dance used to react against the highbrow refined dance that was popular in the mainstream culture (Maxwell). Breakers often performed at clubs, parks, and on streets. This style of dance contributed to an alternative hip-hop culture to arise whose main elements were MCing, DJing, graffiti, and of course b-boying, which we now call breakdancing (Page).

Street Musicians of NYC

             New York is a city of sound, and to the clamor of traffic and trains, musicians add their melodies and jams. Though once frowned upon, music now comprises a quintessential element of the New York street experience. The street musicians of New York can be novices or seasoned performers, including, once upon a time, Blue Man Group. And they perform to their hearts’ content, enjoying relatively lax restrictions. We look beyond the music into the lives of street musicians and what they add to the life of the city.

Feats of NYC

             Among the musicians, dancers, and artists that perform around NYC, there are those who form an amalgam of all three in the form of physical feats. While people are often confused when the name “feats” comes to mind, that’s exactly what makes it so unique. Feats encompass anything from improvisation to gymnastics and thus, the performers have a lot of freedom. While it’s true that these performers often encounter issues pertaining to legality and gaining the audience’s approval, they are the reason why New York is so diverse and multifaceted. Thus, we’ve decided to introduce some of these faces and focus on the positives along with some of the negative aspects associated with physical feats in the world of street performing.