The Plaza Hotel

Our group decided to focus on the Plaza Hotel and the unique image of grandeur it emanates. Located near Fifth Avenue, in central Manhattan, its exterior blends in well with the rest of the neighborhood. The area exudes an air of money and elitism. However, unlike the tall, glass skyscrapers that are clearly commercialized, the Plaza has an old-timey aura. It has a chateauesque style that makes me think of the French court. One of the videos we took showed the environment outside the building, which bustled with tourism. There was a stark contrast between the Plaza and the building next to it, which was a typical New York skyscraper. We also took videos that focus on the molding around the edges of the room and the curlicues that decorate the entrances. We plan on emphasizing the Plaza’s ornate architecture and how the building clearly caters to the elite.

The image I took was of the Plaza’s Ballroom Lobby. I had originally planned on taking a photo of the actual Ballroom but there were people inside preparing for an event occurring that night. The last time we went to the Plaza was during the evening when an event was well underway. This time, we went in the early afternoon and there was a clear contrast between this visit and the last one. It was interesting to see the difference between the daytime Plaza, which is much more subdued, and nighttime Plaza, which is exotic and elegant. Both versions, however, are clearly grand. In the picture I took, there is elaborate gold molding in the corners of the room. The chandelier is extravagant and the lighting is dim, reminding me of soft candlelight. However, if you zoom into the image, you can see chairs strewn around beyond the doors. There were men moving furniture around and the faint sound of someone practicing on the piano.

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One Response to The Plaza Hotel

  1. lizavetaslinko says:

    I really like how you contrasted the Plaza Hotel with other structures in New York in saying that its architecture hails to an older time period, unlike the modernity of the glass buildings we usually see. It was clever to take footage of the molding around the room, because its details such as this that really emphasize the style of the space. I also like the relationship you explore between social class and architecture, and the analysis of which qualities something must have in order to be considered “elite.” It was also interesting that you mentioned the sound of the piano, which is a detail that further adds to the elegance of the atmosphere of this location.

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