Little Do They Know – Act Up

Act Up, AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power, was a movement known for taking their demonstrations to “sacred” spaces in order to send a message. Whether it be Churches, the White House, or City Hall, activists wanted to show that no one was innocent and that institutions such as these were largely to be blamed for the deaths of so many individuals with AIDS. Additionally, the activists were going to these spaces in order to attract the largest audiences possible. While they knew it was entirely possible and likely that their voice would not resonate with the opposite extremists, they knew that somewhere, someone a little less informed and less opinionated might hear what the Act Up Movement was fighting for, and be inspired to fight the same fight. To me, this is why Act Up’s public actions were so powerful. The fact that their message was able to resonate so much with people on the outside, people with a little less prior knowledge, and the ability to rile people up and gain support, is no small feat. It is one of the reasons that Act Up has become as famous and well-known as is it today, all these years after it was founded.

Activism around Police Brutality, the Criminal Justice System, and Law Enforcement can learn about what’s effective from Act Up for a number of reasons. For starters, they represent inclusivity and anti-discrimination. They welcome all people regardless of race, ethnicity, culture, etc. to join them. Act Up also shows that sometimes activists must take extreme measures, such as bombarding a Church, in order to see the change they so desperately want and need. Finally, Act Up serves as a reminder that the end goal should not be to change the minds of those who cannot be swayed, but rather the ones to be sought out are often the ones who simply don’t know enough.


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