When our jovial new professor proclaimed, “Here, take this! It’ll take you exactly where you need to go,” our optimism was overhasty. Little did we know we would soon be hiking through Central Park, having been thrown off by a devious GPS’s inaccurate coordinates and a total lack of direction.  Our mission was simple—use a guided directional system to locate 1 of 4 Geocache locations.Our team’s initial “Can-Do” spirit had almost completely faded after we reached our third Geocache location, still unable to locate our coveted prize. Just when we were about to abandon our noble crusade and join the ranks of failed explorations  (because we were already 45 minutes late to class) the image of a small plastic pill bottle hidden in a nearby tree came into focus.“Is this a joke?” we thought as we peeled off the cap, ready to see whether we had found our prize or instead found a junkie’s stash.

That’s when we saw it—a list of what seemed like hundreds of names, all of which had undertaken the same adventure. We scribbled “Macaulay Class of 2014” upon the moist notepaper and returned to Hunter West 407—as champions.