How To Use This Blog

You have your assignment ready to be posted to the blog. Now What?

Click on “site admin” and this will bring you to the “backend” of the blog, or your “dashboard”.

Click on “Posts”

Click on “Add New”

Title your post (like you would an email)

Paste your text into the text box below

Click “preview” to the right of the post box to see what it will look like

ASSIGN YOUR POST to the appropriate category in the categories box to the below right by checking it

Click “publish” and it will appear on the frontpage of the blog and in your category.


Whenever there is a class assignment to be posted to the blog, make sure to either give your assignment a unique title or include your name in the post heading so it is easily identifiable to readers.

For example, “Beat Review” could be anyone’s. Even though your name does show up under the title, it is good practice to use unique identifiers to make things easier for your audience. //

When you create a post, be sure to assign it to the correct category so that it shows up in the category link sidebar for readers to find.

After you’ve previewed your post and are ready to publish, find the “categories” box to the right of the post box and check the right one. //