Employment Agencies

Inside of Sincere Employment Agency. Matthew Melore (Top) Christina He (Bottom)

There are more employment agencies in Chinatown than there used to be in the past. Some of them have been around for a very long time. Employment agencies in Chinatown became more significant after the expansion of the Chinese Restaurant industry, which expanded across the East Coast and beyond.

Employment agency sign.

The reason why workers come to the agencies is because they want a job so that they can make money to send back to China and pay off their debts.

Metal bars on the front desk of the employment agency.

A lot of the employment agencies are fearful of retaliation from clients who want refunds or feel that the agency treated them badly. This is why a lot of the agencies have metal bars protecting the workers behind the front desk.

Sincere Employment Agency (Rabbit Calendar and Bus ads)

The agencies post bus ads on their walls since the employment agencies and bus companies are closely tied, since they act as middlemen in the Chinese Restaurant industry. The agencies supply workers for the Chinese restaurants and the bus agencies supply the transport.


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