Monthly Archives: February 2016

Memorable Police Encounter

            Growing up in the Lower East Side, I witnessed a few police interactions, but the police presence in my neighborhood was not particularly rampant. Perhaps my closest encounter was in high school, when I was leaving my apartment to … Continue reading

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Memorable Police Encounters

Policemen were always “on standby” in the never ending film that was my childhood. They were a part of the backdrop, a silent yet imposing presence, crucial to the events surrounding me but never directly impacting my everyday schedule and … Continue reading

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Encounters with our Officers of the Law

It’s true. I look a little different from everyone else. I walk the same, talk the same, maybe even think in the same way. But every morning, I get up and wrap a scarf around my head before going out. … Continue reading

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In a New York Minute

A memorable transit experience? That’s a tough one. When, like me, you’ve basically been commuting for more time then you’ve even spent in school itself, well, you see things. I have stories, don’t get me wrong. I’ve seen my fair … Continue reading

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Memorable Transit Experience

My favorite part about public transportation is the lull it gives to the sleep deprived that gently tempts us into the siren-like call of sleep. I discovered the comfortable sleeping environment the MTA had to offer in high school after … Continue reading

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The glories of mass transit, and my contribution to anarchy

I am unsure if I am slightly ashamed or oddly proud to have been the inciter of the stereotypically New York grumbles about the crazies on the train, but regardless of my feelings, my blatant disregard for subway etiquette on … Continue reading

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Transit System

Being that I am from the small suburban town of Lawrence, on the south shore of Long Island, I was never really familiar with the City’s subway system until my first day of freshman year. The Sunday before school started … Continue reading

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Memorable Mass Transit in the City

My high school has over five-thousand students, and since most people ended either 8th or 9th period and commuted to school, that means around 3pm, the surrounding train stations were filled with Brooklyn Tech kids trying to go home and … Continue reading

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Mass Transit Ride

The subway rides or bus rides I take everyday are often an aspect of my day that I am just trying to get through. They are a means of getting to the next thing I have to do so therefore … Continue reading

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Memorable Mass Transit Experience

One evening I was riding on the 6 train on my way to Hunter for my late biology class. I got on at Grand Central, and since the train was pretty empty, I took a seat. As the train made … Continue reading

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