Daily Archives: February 9, 2016

Memorable Mass Transit in the City

My high school has over five-thousand students, and since most people ended either 8th or 9th period and commuted to school, that means around 3pm, the surrounding train stations were filled with Brooklyn Tech kids trying to go home and … Continue reading

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Mass Transit Ride

The subway rides or bus rides I take everyday are often an aspect of my day that I am just trying to get through. They are a means of getting to the next thing I have to do so therefore … Continue reading

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Memorable Mass Transit Experience

One evening I was riding on the 6 train on my way to Hunter for my late biology class. I got on at Grand Central, and since the train was pretty empty, I took a seat. As the train made … Continue reading

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Memorable Transit Experience

There are many interesting transit experiences I could detail but I chose this one because of the impact it has on me every time I travel using public transit. One summer night during my high school years, my father and … Continue reading

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Memorable Mass Transit Experience

  It was early May. My friend and I just boarded the 6 train at 23rd street. We were heading for English class, and we did not expect anything out of the ordinary. When the subway doors opened to let … Continue reading

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Nostalgia: Memorable Mass Transit Experience

The MTA has been an essential and routine part of my life. The transit system dates back in my memory to the early years of childhood when my parents and I would take the N across the Manhattan Bridge to … Continue reading

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