Memorable Mass Transit in the City

My high school has over five-thousand students, and since most people ended either 8th or 9th period and commuted to school, that means around 3pm, the surrounding train stations were filled with Brooklyn Tech kids trying to go home and I would be quite excited. I was not so much excited because school ended for the day; I loved my high school. Everyone and everything there was cool and I’d live there if I could. I was excited more so because it meant that I was going to take the train home with my friends. Commuting by train was enjoyable for me because it’s how I met and bonded to some of my closest friends today.

I remember the first time I happened to take the train home with my classmate Cherin. We were acquaintances and knew of each other, but didn’t really talk in class because there weren’t many chances to. So while we were waiting for our train, I decided to get to know her. We talked easily about the class we shared and what we thought about our teacher. Once our train came, we stuffed ourselves into the carts like canned tuna and complained about it. After we were done complaining, we talked some more about anything and everything. We learned that we had a lot of things in common: we both got off the same stop, enjoy video games, and liked exploring new places. The shared experience of the uncomfortable travel back home helped unite us and brought us closer. What was a 45 minute commute felt more like a 10 minute commute. She’s still a good friend of mine today.



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