Monthly Archives: March 2016

My Hurricane Sandy Experience (Lower Manhattan, Chinatown)

  Hurricane Sandy came smashing into my life in a whirlwind of power outages, uprooted, severed trees, and wind speeds of 115 mph. Hurricane Sandy was an experience that shook me to my core, unsettling me from all previous notions … Continue reading

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My Hurricane Sandy Experience

Living in the Lower East Side meant that when Hurricane Sandy hit, I felt the immediate effects of the storm. There was little to no damage done to my neighborhood, so all I remember was being out of electricity for … Continue reading

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Public Places Central to our Existence

The thin screech of the old man’s violin cuts familiarly through the biting cold air, a cold metal blade on glassy ice—jarring, yet still somber and melancholy in the afternoon air—as I wonder for the umpteenth time if the notes … Continue reading

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My Favorite Public Place

There is a rock in Central Park right next to the entrance of Heckscher Playground that I have deemed as “my own.” For obvious reasons, I cannot actually lay claim on it, but it is one of the best-structured rocks … Continue reading

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Oasis: My Favorite Public Space

During the four years I had spent in Stuyvesant High School, Rockefeller Park, west of River Terrace and a part of Battery Park City, would be my solace in terms of distressing and relaxing: away from the academic environment. I would … Continue reading

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