Mass Transit Ride

The subway rides or bus rides I take everyday are often an aspect of my day that I am just trying to get through. They are a means of getting to the next thing I have to do so therefore I use them to relax (not likely, during rush hour) or to space out and mind my own business. But every once in a while there is a ride worth remembering for any number of reasons. One day recently I experienced one of these instances where it was not just another subway ride. My friend and I were riding the subway together after class; he was going home to Brooklyn, and I was going back to the dorms in the lower east side. It was an average ride for the first couple of stops after we got on, but what made it remarkable was that at 51st Street, my friend Dan’s father entered the same train car that we were in. A funny coincidence. But at the next stop, 42nd Street, my sister entered our car as well! Out of all of the trains and all of the different cars on each train, Dan’s father and my sister chose the exact same one that we were both in. An absolutely bizarre occurrence that will likely never happen again even if we all take the train every day for years to come. In such a big city with so many people, this particular ride helped remind me that it is a small world after all, and coming from a relatively small town in Westchester, reminders like this help me feel more comfortable each and every day.

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