My Favorite Public Place

There is a rock in Central Park right next to the entrance of Heckscher Playground that I have deemed as “my own.” For obvious reasons, I cannot actually lay claim on it, but it is one of the best-structured rocks in Central Park. Since the rock is situated next to the public bathrooms and is not tall enough to oversee any particularly beautiful views, tourists do not frequent it often. One side of the rock is fairly smooth with a shallow slope, which makes it easy to climb up to or down the rock. However, making one’s way up mandates the most basic of agility skills, so my rock is not exactly open to all of the general public. In addition, the proximity of my rock to the playground means that any children and toddlers who dare to venture up the looming mountain (in their eyes, anyway) do not stay for long; there are more exciting adventures to be had within the play area.

Aside from the location and structure of the rock that make it convenient, the rock is quite the vantage point for people watching. Heckscher Playground is a five-minute walk from the entrance of the park at 59th Street West, which means that the path that my rock overlooks is often filled with foot traffic. Personally, I enjoy watching dog owners and dog walkers, simply because I prefer watching dogs to staring at humans. Even if there is nothing to look at, however, it is always serene just to sit on cool, hard ground several feet above everybody else. On a moderately cool day, there is something about just sitting there with a friend, or even alone, that makes the rock almost cozy to be on. My rock provides just enough solitude without being completely isolating, and offers a decent view of nature without being completely silent. All in all, I think that such a spot is perfect for a New Yorker like me.

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