Homeless Encounter

Like many New Yorkers, my personal experiences with homeless individuals, strides no further than brief encounters on the streets and on the subway carts. I’ve lived in NYC my whole life, and for most of it homeless individuals for me where made up of a man who lived under a bridge near my elementary school, and the foundations to which I donated my old toys, and clothes to. Moving to Manhattan has changed much of that image. I know think about the countless numbers of homeless people I see on the trains asking for help from any individual willing to make a contribution. Many times I see most people ignoring someone who is homeless, and just proceeding with their daily routine. Once in awhile however I see one person willing to reach into their own pockets and give something. Whether it be a sandwich, a few dollars, or even coins there is no doubt that the people receiving this help are grateful. As of recent I feel as though I have seen the amount of homeless individual increase over the past two years, as I keep on seeing more and more people making rounds on the trains looking for help. Last semester my Macaulay poster representation was actually about homelessness in New York City, and the first thing I noticed is that homelessness is increasing at a rapid rate. While the efforts by Mayor De Blasio have been able to slow down the rate of growth of the increasing rate of homelessness, it is clearly not enough.

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