Soda Ban

Soft drinks are carbonated bottles of sugar that hold little to no benefits to consumers. While I use to be one of the many people who would select a soft drink rather than drink a glass of water, I have come to see the error in my ways. I know no longer agree with the production of soft drinks, as they tend to do more harm than anything else. Regular soft drinks, contain an unhealthy amount of sugar. Diet versions of these drinks tend to have unnatural sweeteners and chemicals that have made them even more harmful in terms of what you are actually putting in your body. I no longer drink either of the two, and instead find myself drinking half a gallon of water on a daily basis. Making this switch has not only made me feel a whole lot healthier, but it has also given me the water that my body needs in order to perform strenuous activities such as going to the gym. In a day and age were obesity is still a large factor in the general population, I would say that banning soft drinks is not a horrible idea. There are many other healthier options that can be chosen over a soft drink, and yet very few people make the decision to go the healthier route. So why not ban soft drinks not just certain sizes, but all together.

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