Is There A Way to Stop Anti-Asian Bias?

To answer my own question, no, but I do hope there is. This ties into the long-held belief of the “Asian Advantage”, a myth with racial implications. Asian Americans as a population have long been underrepresented in the United States’ social justice system; only recently did individuals begin to take a more active role in raising and spreading awareness of the micro-aggression that Asian Americans experience on a daily basis. Part of this micro-aggression happens right on the college campus, and sometimes even before getting to college. Admissions offices across the nation hope to diversify their respective campuses by accepting students of various backgrounds. However, Asian American students are often thrown under the bus for the generalized misconception that the entire population is high-achieving and therefore, must become exceptional in order to be considered, much less secure a seat in the prospective college.

I believe strongly in equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, and in an era when racial tensions continue rising, this should apply to college admissions as well. Asian Americans should be subjected to equal treatment, and not have to rely on an inflated average or the excess of extracurricular activities to put them on a level playing field. This also ties into the model minority myth, which is debilitating to the Asian Americans who are not as “outstanding” as they are perceived by the general public. There is no one single type of Asian American; we are different in the same way members other racial groups are unique. I am proud of my culture and heritage, not of someone’s wrongly held belief of my race.

As Hrishikesh Joshi says about the Fisher v. University of Texas case, “it is hard to see how giving a boost to white applicants relative to Asians is defensible in light of America’s historical and cultural context.” As a member of a historically underrepresented race, I too find it difficult to support Fisher’s claims. Using the argument of social justice to justify her case is simply hypocritical, considering her privileged background. True, I may be biased towards my own race, but I do believe affirmative action is fair and necessary in every way; what it does is simply take reality and apply it to the college campus. American whites are not the only ones walking the streets of American cities, so why should they be the only ones walking across the campuses of American schools?


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