LGBTQ bathrooms

This article states how University of North Carolina is going against a state government law requiring transgender people to use bathrooms according to their birth gender. This is quite a controversial decision on their part and it serves as a progressive example of how society as a whole is changing. LGBTQ people are slowly becoming more and more accepted into society even while there are forces standing against them. The University of North Carolina had previously agreed to enforce these laws however; but, their student body was completely against it. People have been rioting against the law and it has become serious enough to warrant a few arrests. However, in the city’s defense, the article states that this law is constituted to protect transgender people from discrimination in bathrooms.

In my opinion, they should not enforce the law because this is a private matter that a government should not interfere in. Transgender people do not want to be treated any different than how the everyone else is. If transgender people want to go in the bathrooms they associate with in terms of gender, they should be allowed to. If someone told me I had to use a girl’s bathroom for the rest of my life, I would definitely feel different. Transgender people are forced to do that every single day against their will which should be unacceptable. However, I also understand the perspective that the government is playing because they are saying that is is about safety rather than discrimination. This could potentially decrease the amount of hate crimes concerning transgender people in the area. However, there is a possibility that the people there are generally conservative and not accept people who are different. In the end, there are bigger issues to focus on, people should simply be accepted for who they are so that society can simply get along better. If people united, it would increase general happiness for the people who live there. In higher education, this would lead to better views among future generations who are going to run the world eventually. This would also lead to a better college experience. When students in college are able to empathize and understand situations like these, and then form an opinion with justice, it helps make society a better environment to live in.

One thought on “LGBTQ bathrooms”

  1. The bathroom issue is annoying to deal with. Having LGBTQ friends, some transgender, they already sometimes feel uncomfortable going into a gender specific bathroom, and sometimes only opt. to go to the restroom when it is gender-neutral. Passing laws like this upsets me, however in a way i’m glad that these are not in NYC, since we seem to be much more accepting of LGBTQ, that some people in other areas.

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