Author Archives: Tyler Bianco

About Tyler Bianco

I am an 18 year old man (weird I guess I'm not a boy anymore). I'm someone who is down to earth and has no problem with socializing. I love interacting and meeting new people with qualities not found in most people that follow the social norm. I love to speak my mind proudly, and take leadership when the opportunity presents itself. Anyways if you want to know more about me just ask...

Posts by Tyler Bianco

Tyler 4--posted on Sep 30, 2011
Tyler 3--posted on Sep 30, 2011
Tyler 2--posted on Sep 30, 2011
Tyler 1--posted on Sep 30, 2011
Drops of Water Falling into a Puddle. Beautiful--posted on Sep 25, 2011
Why can’t work be fun?--posted on Sep 25, 2011
“KEVIN! YOU SPENT $967 ON ROOM SERVICE!”--posted on Sep 25, 2011
Gasoline or Gold?--posted on Sep 22, 2011
Asleep and Unaware--posted on Sep 22, 2011
That is Rather Curious and Bizarre!--posted on Sep 21, 2011

Comments by Tyler Bianco

"OMG! Why would you put your kitty on your laptop?!"
--( posted on Dec 11, 2011, commenting on the post AL 45 (I couldn’t resist) )
"Surprisingly, it's at Ginos across the street from Queens College. lol"
--( posted on Nov 6, 2011, commenting on the post Tyler 5 )