Course Info
HNRS125 Fall 2011
The Arts in New York City
Mondays 9:15 am - 12:05 pmContact
Professor M. Healey
Office Hour: M/F 12:15-1:30
Colwin Hall 410-411Tsai-Shiou Hsieh (ITF)
Office Hours: Mon. 1-5
Honors Hall Lounge
Virtual Office Hours: Thurs. 10-12
g-chat ( or Skype (tsaishiou723)-
Recent Posts
Recent Comments
- Firmenumzug on Definitely Eden
- Beyhahd on Why is Theater important in our society today? Or is it? Have television and movies eclipsed the need for live performance? Explain your views.
- bigg boss 14 on Why is Theater important in our society today? Or is it? Have television and movies eclipsed the need for live performance? Explain your views.
- free insanity workout on The Famous Big Apple
- Jean Patou on SOHO: South of Houston Street
NYTimes Arts
- John Mulaney Returns to Late Night on Netflix
- Madison Square Park’s Conservancy Names New Chief Curator
- John Mulaney Says His New Show Is Netflix’s Mistake
- ‘Young Hearts’ Review: Finding Acceptance
- ‘Long Bright River’ and ‘Dope Thief’: Drugs and Murder in Philly
- Want to be Alone With a Rembrandt and a Queen? Here’s Your Chance.
- Orchid Explosions in ‘Mexican Modernism’ at the Botanical Garden
Carlo and I are BFFs
Video blogs are weird.
I have the utmost respect for Vloggers right now.
I feel like I should include a whole introduction about how hard it is to make sense and not mumble when you’re just speaking your mind with no script, but I feel like you guys all went through the same thing. Motion to respect Youtube Vloggers WAY more than we did before?
Don’t you hate those people who can’t stop talking?
It tried uploading it twice (and each time took half an hour because I talked for so long), and both times it’s lagging. Sorry about that.