Jodi 3

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Jodi 2

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Jodi 1

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Today, I Learned…

Today I learned how to play pool. I also learned that pool is totally NOT my thing. I may look like I know what I’m doing, but I didn’t even manage to get one ball in after this picture was taken.

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Grandma’s View

This is the view outside my grandmother’s bedroom window. Writing your English paper is so much more relaxing when you have part of Manhattan’s skyline right in front of you for inspiration.

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Bon Appetit!

There’s nothing like a delicious family dinner at home on a Saturday night!


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I Love Fridays!

10:00 AM on a Friday morning. It was nice (and a bit unusual) to have the Macaulay lounge all to myself. At least I got a lot of reading done!




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My Very First Tea Party!

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