Subway Surprises

I find it amazing that anywhere in New York that you go you’re able to find art. Even in the gross, smelly, rat infested subway stations that we have.

I’m also kinda proud.

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Commence crammed Sundays: Welcome to College.

Exhibit A: What I’m supposed to be doing. aka math hw, arts in new york homework x3, some history homework and some polisci homework too. PLUS, just got home from work.




Exhibit B: What I’m really doing. aka facebook, some twitter, skype, ichat, and pretending to read the notes to start a 5 page paper due on Tuesday.

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Today, I Learned…

Today I learned how to play pool. I also learned that pool is totally NOT my thing. I may look like I know what I’m doing, but I didn’t even manage to get one ball in after this picture was taken.

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My Second Home :D

"My Peaceful Abode"

Even though there is nothing like my real home, this shall suffice =)

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Drops of Water Falling into a Puddle. Beautiful

Rain washes all the pain down the drain. 🙂

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Why can’t work be fun?

Unemployment rates aren't high because there are no jobs available, they are high because nobody wants to do them

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a turn for the healthy?

my secret obsession.

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This is my Narnia.

This is my Narnia. When I first came to this park, this stage reminded me so much of the scene where the lion is slayed in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe that I have adopted it as my own.  The stone structure especially reminds me of it, being right on the beach and looking so medieval.  In the movie, Narnia is a place where time stops, where the children had different priorities and different responsibilities.  This is where I come to stop my time, to re-prioritize.

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My bag of Stuff

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Grandma’s View

This is the view outside my grandmother’s bedroom window. Writing your English paper is so much more relaxing when you have part of Manhattan’s skyline right in front of you for inspiration.

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