
Right by my house. The entire sky was orange and breathtakingly beautiful.  Makes me want to sit down and write.

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Best. Food. Ever.

This is my favoritist food ever! It’s called “molokheya,” in English Jew’s Mallow. This vegetable is picked from the ground, chopped up, and added to chicken soup and a garlic mixture.  It really brings me back to Egypt, they eat it directly from the ground; it’s fresh and tastes amazing. Here in America we have no choice but to buy it frozen and processed, which doesn’t taste nearly as good.  We are lucky enough to grow it in our backyard, so I get to taste a little bit of Egypt anytime!

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My “White” Cousin

my stalker pic

My cousin has skin that’s whiter than white. My aunt is a very fair lady. And yes I know I my skin tone is totally opposite.

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Working 24/7

At the library



My desk at home tricked out with the desk lamp







I end up doing(cramming) most of my work in the library because I never get anything done at home. Too many distractions.. like TV or Xbox.  I guess I should have thought up a better name for this post.

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A Pleasant view from my room :D

"A Verdant Maze"

View from the back of my house

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Oh my… ALL IN! ALL IN!

A little fun during college doesn’t hurt. Sometimes it helps to take a break from schoolwork (and make money too!… although monopoly money doesn’t get me much)

By the way, for those that are unfamiliar with Texas Holdem Poker, a hand with a 2 and a 7 of different suits is theoretically the worst hand you can get. Cue the joke title 🙂

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Thank Goodness! Life in 2D was so dull.

Dinner after Economics class with my buddy Tyler. We broke the 2nd dimension.

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My Neighborhood – Walking home from QC every night.

This one reminded me almost of a sunset on the beach. A little farfetched? Maybe. Still I’m glad I didn’t get hit by a car taking this!

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Baking Improv 101

Only have a mini baking pan?  Make a double-layer cake 🙂

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Henna tattoos and fried cheesecake.

It tastes SO much better than it looks





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