
Gitit started high school 3 weeks ago.  Like me, it’s hard for her to make the adjustment of not having the friends she got so used to having.  Shared frustrations, shared tears, shared memories…

But she just got back from Freshmen Retreat. And that’s not a staged smile.  You got this, my love<3

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Rain, Rain, Go Away!


Aisha’s really cute umbrella that she shared with me. 😀

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Train Tuesday #1

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Rain? No problem, I’ll just blow-dry my shoes.

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A new take on the America

America not in service

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First scantron of my college career.

Second Pop Quiz of my college semester.

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My good pal Roy

At Maker Faire everyone was really impressed by this woman's glass blowing. I really loved her rainbow of supplies.

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Who needs a first-aid kit when you have a Pillow Pet?



I strained my neck on the way home from The Bald Soprano, and this is my makeshift first aid kit.  I’ll let you decide which has been the most helpful.


Also, in case anyone is planning on straining their neck, ice is actually much better than heat.  Heat increases swelling if applied during the first 48-72 hours after the strain…which of course I only found out after applying heat.  D’oh.

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Big Ben

This semester is about me readjusting.  Dealing with my friends being gone, the majority of which went to Israel to learn for the year, or went away to college. Dealing with what I was so used to having, leaving me with a handful of friends I’m not as close to.

But I always have Ben.

I have a great friend named Bennett. He’s an incredibly tall redhead who left to UMass this year.  He stands here at Queens as a symbol of  the friends I’m getting used to not having with me.  A symbol of making this change, and not taking it too hard.  And my friends, like Big Ben, aren’t gone; just geographically separated.

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