RB 3


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RB 2

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RB 1

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Freshman Fifteen Never Looked So Good

My sister is a saint for bring these bad boys home.

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Oh my… ALL IN! ALL IN!

A little fun during college doesn’t hurt. Sometimes it helps to take a break from schoolwork (and make money too!… although monopoly money doesn’t get me much)

By the way, for those that are unfamiliar with Texas Holdem Poker, a hand with a 2 and a 7 of different suits is theoretically the worst hand you can get. Cue the joke title 🙂

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Thank Goodness! Life in 2D was so dull.

Dinner after Economics class with my buddy Tyler. We broke the 2nd dimension.

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My Neighborhood – Walking home from QC every night.

This one reminded me almost of a sunset on the beach. A little farfetched? Maybe. Still I’m glad I didn’t get hit by a car taking this!

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College Life all in one machine.


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