Wow. You know, I really dreaded going to see the Bald Soprano on a Saturday night. That Saturday my line up looked pretty dull. I was required to attend a tech fair in the city that morning and then wait several hours for the showing of the Bald Soprano. Tech fair wasn’t all too invigorating, and as a result I was already exhausted by noon. Do you think I wanted to see a play in the city that night? It’s a rhetorical question however, I’ll still tell you no only because I want to take it all back. That’s right. I take all of what I said back. Except the bit about the tech fair, I’ll still give that to you. Now I’m doing this because I’m going to tell you that I loved every bit of the Bald Soprano, and that seeing the play made my Saturday better than what it previously was. I apologize for the sucker punch, but it really was a great turn of events for me! Of all the outings we’ve had for our Arts in NY Seminar, this one really was the most worthwhile.

The Bald Soprano is a satirical play that catered really well to my tastes. I happened to have enjoyed and understood (for the most part) the nonsensical parody that took place in the Pearl Theater. The man who wrote this play, Ionesco, had a real message under all the nonsense. Using the upper class London suburbanites as characters in his play, Ionesco was trying to show us the triviality of their speech while at the same time, he was mocking language itself. All the gibberish spoken at the play, was intended, purposeful, and very much hilarious! I followed every line word by word. It was just that entertaining for me. One of my favorite scenes (all of the scenes are my favorite!) happened to be when everyone gathered around for story time. The fire chief’s story of the head cold really had me on a ride. It was perhaps the most impressive piece of dialogue in the whole play -besides the ending of course. I can’t imagine the work required in memorizing that long series of people. There were talented actors that day on stage, and I commend them, mostly for keeping their sanity and accent intact.

Aside from the explosive dialogue and movements, there was a lot of artistic presentation within the set. It took me a while, but halfway through the play I noticed that the whole set was upside down. The ground was painted as the sky and everything was just off. This couldn’t be a coincidence because well I wouldn’t use a randomly generated set of assorted things as a set unless I had a particular reason for it. I think the purpose of the set was to compliment the non-linear plot and the chaos that was occurring. Maybe perhaps it conveyed the message that these upper class suburbanites lived in an upside down world (which I certainly would not argue).

I believe that this play, despite being a parody of suburban upper class in London, still fit in with the audience of New York. Whether you’re in New York or London, there will always be people who are in the upper class that have the frivolous conversations Ionesco is portraying in his play. When I looked around the audience in Pearl Theatre, I noticed a lot of the people were on the older spectrum of middle-aged. A good amount of them must have been in the upper middle class because some of them just looked the part, but who am I to judge? They enjoyed the play as much as I did or maybe even more.

The Bald Soprano hit a home-run with me! It didn’t do so well with others, but to each their own right? I found the cast to be talented, the set artistic, and the performance overall, hilariously entertaining. I certainly felt at home with the humor, and found myself bent over in laughter in nearly every scene. As such, I tip my hat to Ionesco, the actors, and the Pearl Theater. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas feugiat egestas lacus, nec mattis sem cursus ac. Fusce lorem erat, dapibus sed rhoncus vitae, scelerisque a dolor. Vestibulum quis risus mi, ac porta lorem. Donec gravida suscipit lectus in commodo. Suspendisse est nulla, volutpat vel laoreet quis, vehicula gravida risus. Phasellus sodales fermentum est, sit amet ullamcorper lectus feugiat in. Sed tellus arcu, sodales at molestie sit amet, interdum sed leo. Curabitur ligula odio, elementum ut egestas in, dapibus non nisl. Integer bibendum iaculis facilisis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque massa tortor, tincidunt vitae tempor quis, lobortis faucibus dui. Ut vitae aliquam diam. Nam velit arcu, tincidunt ut suscipit sed, varius vitae lectus.




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Because skittles are SO high school

My little orange buddy here is the kind of snack that helps me get the work done.

Posted in Kathleen Felisca, Photojournal | Leave a comment

My Eyes just Slapped my Brain, but my Brain is still Happy.

Expectations. I think that the nature of human beings is molded in a way that it expects something out of everything. Our brains don’t cease to involuntarily create images and emotions of events that have yet to take place. These very expectations are then what give way to fulfillments or disappointments. Staying true to the nature of my species, I expected the Bald Soprano to be a certain way that my brain had pre-constructed it to be. I expected a grand Broadway setting with an overwhelming audience. I expected music and melodic sopranos singing. I expected myself to get lost in the darkness of the crowd and soon fall into the story of the play. I expected a story out of the play…

My expectations were obviously slapped right in the face, as my eyes mocked my brain for having the completely wrong image of what this play would be like. I was suddenly brought into this up close setting of the play, where even breathing felt too loud and rude. I was left paralyzed and nervous. Not only was I incapable of getting lost in the crowd, I found actors directly addressing me as they looked and talked. One might argue that this was an amazing engaging experience, and to that, I agree. Given the personality that I have however, I felt spotlighted every time my eye met the eye of an actor. My mind would suddenly fall into a state of confused chaos as I tried to put up a pleasant interested face that encouraged the actors. Not that I wasn’t interested, because I very much was, but I felt a sudden need to change my facial expression fearing that I would give the wrong impression of boredom or annoyance. Having a small theatre setting worked to involve the audience in its own way. Unlike movie and Broadway theatres where one gets lost in the story of the characters, these small theatres allowed the audience to be an actual part of the story. Aside from the fact that it made me nervous, I was being talked to and being looked at. Facial impressions were being thrown at me and secrets were being revealed directly to me. The play definitely did an outstanding job at breaking the 4th wall. I found myself listening to the maid Mary, and made sure to hush myself when Mr. and Mrs. Martin were sleeping. This only proves the deep connection that the actors were able to build with the audience by their brilliant acting and by breaking down the 4th wall.

Although my expectations were completely opposite of what I experienced at the Pearl Theatre, I would not categorize Bald Soprano as disappointing. However, I wouldn’t be able to call it fulfilling either. Unlike many of my peers, I wasn’t left with the expression of the pointlessness of the play. Instead, I was left with an emptiness within myself that needed to know what this play was actually about. I didn’t know what to think or make of the Bald Soprano. Hence, I couldn’t label it with my like or dislike. I kept blaming myself of being too shallow and incapable of recognizing symbols. I thought, perhaps I missed every symbolic and critical element of the play. What I did manage to sense out was that Ionesco was definitely trying to make a point in the pointlessness of this play. Hidden in the babbling and nonsense of the actors was a deeper meaning I was missing out on. One thing that I did manage to understand and notice was the mocking tone of the play. Ionesco was ridiculing the English bourgeois class for being thoughtless and stupid, really. Contradiction was heavily sewn into the entire play. Things seemed to give “chills up the spine yet warmth” to some of the characters. Certain acts were “useless precautions but absolutely necessary” to the others. Mrs. Smith just had delicious dinner but she couldn’t have dinner yet because the Martins arrived so late. I was able to notice a dual nature of ridicule that was intended by the playwright as well. On one level, characters were busy living in their own bubble of self-worth, mocking others who read newspapers in public or bent down to tie their shoelaces. On the second level, we as an audience were mocking these characters for being so bizarre. Only after discussing the play in class did I learn that Ionesco was really trying to highlight the powerlessness of language. No matter what was said, there wasn’t any connection between the characters. These people were truly confused. Their life moved along by frivolous discussions of whether there’s actually someone at the door when a bell is rang and meaningless jokes of snakes and foxes.

As a New Yorker, I obviously did not feel like I could relate. Bending down to tie your shoelaces, reading newspapers in public and even eating sandwiches on the go is common among New Yorkers. In fact, a New York audience too would sit and ridicule the English middle class for trying to give off a phony classy image to the public, when each person is mentally incapable of even recalling memories of two days ago. This was perhaps the reason why many people were laughing in the audience. They too, found the Martins and Smiths ridiculous for living the way that they do and being the way that they are. It might be possible that some of the upper and upper-middle class too lives in such a bubble of conceit and confusion. However, New Yorkers on the whole have a sense of reality and definitely acknowledge the power of language to use it effectively. That is obviously why everyone’s name is different, and not Bob’s friend’s Bob, whose professor Bob, married a rich businessman Bob, who just divorced a lawyer Bob, who now lives with 3 cats, Bob, Bob and Bob.

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This Title Means Nothing

“The Bald Soprano…”

There was a thick silence as all the actors walked off to different ends of the stage. I started giggling from anticipation, as I saw the glint in Mr. Smith’s eyes. Were they finally going to clarify the title of the play? Leaning forward I held my breath…

“… She always wears her hair the same way.”

Oh… all right, well that’s cool too.

I suppose it was silly of me to think I’d walk away from the production immediately understanding the title and meaning behind it. But even though the theme of language being meaningless wasn’t obviously clear to me at first. I see it now. And if anything, I found the play ridiculously entertaining.

I’m a big fan of convincing performances and nonsense dialogues. I think uncomfortable silences and abrupt statements are one of the best parts of TV comedy. And so to have it wrapped up nicely and served to me via a live performance? Delicious.

One of my favorite scenes would have to be the five minutes or so the two couples sat in awkward silence. The failed attempts at starting a discussion had me grinning. And when Mr. Smith’s light cough caused the Martins to turn their heads so fast they could’ve gotten whiplash, I was in heaven.

There were parts when I became distracted of course too. I found the Fire Chief distracting – that’s the point I know – and unnecessary. When he went on his with rambles I found my eyes wandering. But now I am cultured I suppose, the author’s/director’s point was to make the rant incoherent. It leads back to the play’s theme of language being meaningless, and to the point that we can literally speak to a person for five minutes, maybe even an hour and a half yet still come away with nothing.

I feel as if the characters, the theme, and the play itself really reached out to a New York audience. Some thought the play as too strange, but I think New Yorkers are used to bizarre and uncomfortable situations. Everyday we experience the homeless pleading, disturbed men shrieking, and women preaching, and New Yorkers are experts at ignoring them. Leading back to the theme of language, they are also excellent at small talk; New Yorkers are savants in the art of trivial conversation.

A simple ride on a bus or train will give you a front row seat to what might be a modern day adaption of Ionesco’s “The Bald Soprano.” I cannot tell you the amount of times I’ve been a spectator to a two-person conversation going absolutely nowhere. It seems the average teenage girl has not yet acquired the foundations of dialogue.

Altogether, I found “The Bald Soprano” very relatable. As a New Yorker I felt the play’s humor and theme pertained to those also living where I reside. The “The Bald Soprano” does not simply apply to those who dwell “in the suburbs of London” with the last name Smith.



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First takeout night with my roommates


At first I thought, “Aww, cute!”  But just a few seconds ago I started thinking– I will have a bright future?  Does that mean that my immediate future isn’t bright, but at some point it will be?  Is it just poor fortune cookie translation?  Am I going crazy after doing sociology homework for two hours?  Or maybe it’s just English major problems…



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I Knew I Can’t Do It!!!

I knew I wouldn’t understand the play before I even go to see it. First, because English is not my native language, I have trouble in understanding the actors’ dialogue in different accents. (Even though I have strong accent when I speak English, I simply can’t understand people talking with unfamiliar accent.) Second, because of cultural differences, I did not understand some idiomatic languages used in the dialogues, and why the actors act in certain way even though these actions may be very typical for Westerners. For these reasons, I can only talk about “The Bald Soprano” from my narrow point of view.

First, talking about the content of the play, I did not understand the ideas of the whole play until the class discussion on Monday. I knew that there was irony involved in the play, but I did not understand what it was. To me, “The Bald Soprano” was like a dark comedy. Some of the dialogues may seem hilarious, but they usually have very negative and pessimistic meanings. I cannot say whether this play is successful or not. Yet, if the author had the purpose of making the audience feel frustrated as it was discussed in class on Monday, then he was certainly successful in doing so because I felt really frustrated while I was watching the play.

While I do not like the overall content of the play, I certainly feel the actors have successfully brought the words into life. The actors’ actions may be a little exaggerated, but they were successful in conveying the theme of class satire throughout the play.

Last, to be honest, I did not notice that the stage setting was upside-down. I only noticed that the floor was painted like the sky, and the display of china dishes were strange because they seemed to form an upside-down triangle.  However, the overall arrangement of furniture was not very bizarre. It was a living room of an upper middle-class house.

If you ask me whether I like “The Bald Soprano”, I cannot say yes. It was true that I was laughing while watching the play, but I have to confess that I did not know what I was laughing at. Perhaps, I simply thought that the dialogues and actions were childish and “worth” laughing. In addressing the problem about how “The Bald Soprano” speaks to New York audience, I do not think I have an acceptable answer since I still don’t know how New Yorkers think after living in New York for more than five years. However, from my previous knowledge and perspective, most New Yorkers would think the class issues that were carried out in this play do not exist because they simply think that class structures do not exist in New York. However, what I found a little ironic about this was that while many upper middle-class New Yorkers try to distinguish themselves from the other upper middle-class people such the English by acting like they are more integrated with the lower class, they are actually acting no different from the other upper middle-class people. Class structures still exist in New York, and almost everywhere around the world, despite there are numerous works that criticize this phenomenon. In my opinions, most New Yorkers would just laugh it off after they view the play. Who would actually think about the underlying concerns express in this play even if the audience know them very well?

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Gitit started high school 3 weeks ago.  Like me, it’s hard for her to make the adjustment of not having the friends she got so used to having.  Shared frustrations, shared tears, shared memories…

But she just got back from Freshmen Retreat. And that’s not a staged smile.  You got this, my love<3

Posted in Photojournal, Zohar Bachiry | 1 Comment

Rain, Rain, Go Away!


Aisha’s really cute umbrella that she shared with me. 😀

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The Bald Soprano, AKA The Roof Caught on Fire AKA What A Coincidence

I know Professor Healey asked that we not summarize the art events we attend in our blogs, but I find it necessary to give a quick summary about The Bald Soprano at the Pearl: Kdaowkewae oaiwkcm aweovkeor, kowoaekvek giej eiejosko.  Pkweokawe, wokeaoe ovke? Zkvoekokawem!

What does that mean? Exactly.

When I was asked to review the play by my mom when I got home (or in other words, how was it, what was it about?), I had pretty much no idea what to tell her.  I think my words were “ridiculousness, stupidity, and nonsense.”  I simply could not see the reasoning behind it all, what it meant, or the message the playwright was trying to get across.  What could he possibly be trying to say in a mixup of world garble and barbaric, animalistic craziness? Was I supposed to be this frustrated and annoyed the whole time? Why was I even sitting there? (Oh right, because this was a school event that I could not simply storm out of, [unfortunately].)

When I finally calmed down, I was able to think it through more clearly, and “absorb” as I like to call it.  I was used to watching plays and musicals with clearer story lines, and more explicit messages, such as The Sound of Music or The Lion King, so on a basis of comparison, it was reasonable for me to dislike this aspect of the play.  I tried to be objective, and said to myself “you just haven’t seen this style before and it bothers you; try to accept new things”.  I slowly let go of this problem I had with the play.

Moving onward to the humor, again, my basis of comparison was what I find funny:  an episode of Friends, a children’s movie like Despicable Me.  Maybe it was time for me to grow up and appreciate adult humor?  But I don’t think it was immaturity that held me back from finding it funny.  It think it was the type of humor expressed: dry, illogical humor.  It was funny because it didn’t make sense.  To me, that just was not funny; it was dumb.  It was consistent with my reasoning for not liking the plot: I like it when things make sense.

And finally, the message of the play.  I turned to my classmates after leaving the theater and asked in exasperation, “do you have any idea what that was about?” and many seemed to have some form of an answer.   “It’s about how language is misused all the time, and people don’t understand each other,” I received.  “Hmph…” I thought.  “Maybe this isn’t half bad…” “Yeah, I read the director’s cut,” they continued.  And that’s when the respect I had just half-gained for the play went down the tubes again.  How is a playwright supposed to engage his audience if the audience has to read about it beforehand or afterward, and meanwhile during the play, it just makes no sense?  Sure, there have been pieces I’ve read and seen before that I didn’t completely understand (The Great Gatsby, for example), but I understood some sort of message on a basic level.  I didn’t understand the significance of Gatsby being killed, but I understood some of what he stood for.  How could I understand what Ionesco was trying to say if I couldn’t understand what the Smiths or Martins were trying to say?  I felt, and still feel that having them make no sense was not an effective way of getting the themes of speech and the lack of listening across.  I feel that there needed to be at least something that made sense; if at least one character had a reasonable, clear mind, I could see a lesson being learned in the contrast.

As to speaking to a New York audience, I’m not sure that it made quite a difference who was watching the play, whether from New York or not.   I think the perception of the it would be the same to a man from New York or a woman from Texas because the performance was not set in New York.  It would probably make a difference to an English person who has the same background as the characters and could relate to the satire.   Therefore, speaking to a New York audience would probably only be relevant in that fast-paced New Yorkers would be impatient and frustrated at this nonsense 😉

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The play was very confusing and frustrating. I was lost throughout it. I had no idea what was going on. It just didn’t make any sense. Why did the Martins not realize who they were when they got to the Smiths house? Why did they forget they were married? What was the point of that? Why did the Smiths say they drank the soup and ate the fish and chips, but then say “we’ve had nothing to eat all day”? I was really confused and just didn’t know what to do with myself. I did find some parts funny because it was amusing and confusing. I was laughing throughout the play, but I don’t think I understood why. Maybe it was the awkward silence, the random words, or because everybody else was laughing.

I did not like the play at all because I had no idea what it was about but I found it interesting. I found every little thing to be interesting. I was trying to pay attention to  the details because I really wanted to know what was going on. I was paying attention to the clothes and the background. However, I did not notice the sky was painted on the floor. But at the end of the day, I could not find the deep meaning and I do not understand why the play is considered a masterpiece. I did not read the director’s note beforehand and maybe I should have. But even then, I don’t know if it would have made a difference. It would have been just as confusing.

I found myself looking around at the audience many times. I wanted to see other people’s reactions and expressions. The majority of the people I saw had smiles plastered on to their faces throughout the play. Even then, I don’t feel it speaks to a New York audience. I kind of grasped the satire of the play and how the English bourgeois culture is being made fun. The Smiths and Martins found it hilarious when someone on the subway was reading a newspaper and how someone else bent over to tie their shoelaces. I don’t think New Yorkers find any humor in stuff like that because we see it everyday.

The one thing that I absolutely loved about the play was the acting. All the actors were amazing. They did such an amazing job. There was a connection between the audience and the actors. I remember the maid looked directly at me and that made me want to pay more attention. Each actor stared out into the audience and made us feel involved, or at least me. I really enjoyed that aspect of the play, if nothing else.

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