Tyler 1 (His shorts XD)

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Jodi 5

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Jodi 4

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I miss you.

I must admit that I was very pleasantly surprised after seeing Carlo’s performance at the Intar. Not only was it very entertaining and creatively put together, but it spoke about a message that is very prevalent in today’s world. I think what made it all the more touching was that it was a very personal experience that allowed us to see into the various aspects of the life of an immigrant.

Before Carlo’s performance, I had many misinformed pre-notations about undocumented immigrants. I have known my share of people that are in this country illegally, but I did not realize how much money goes into staying in this country. Fake green cards, fake social security cards, fake birth certificates. All of which wouldn’t have to exist if it weren’t so difficult to obtain citizenship in this country. The notion that shocked me the most was that once an immigrant has all these fake documents, he or she pays taxes using the social security number provided, yet never can reclaim that money during income tax. I don’t know how many of you have filed your taxes on your own yet, but I’ve been doing it for the last 3 years, and I can say that income tax season is one of my favorite times of the year. I can’t imagine contributing all that money in taxes and getting NONE of it back. Especially once I retire and will rely on social security checks to supplement my retirement fund.

Throughout the performance, I felt strong sympathy for Carlo’s eldest brother who was left behind in Ecuador. I understand that it must have been a difficult decision for Carlo’s parents being that he was over 21 and wouldn’t be able to obtain citizenship with the family, but I can’t imagine how he must have felt. I get upset when someone close to me forgets something stupid like my birthday, what if they seemingly forgot of my existence and moved on with their lives. I found it sweet that he learned some English so he could tell his younger brother in America that he missed him, and essentially teach his brother what it as to miss someone.

Overall, this performance left me with a very different view on immigration, and I’m glad  the NY Times decided to give it the review it deserves. I’d be interested to see a future play from his brother’s point of view.

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Without a Doubt

Without a doubt, the piece that affected me the most was Intringulis. It was so powerful as a one-man show, with all the songs and dialogue. There was so much emotion present in his voice and that really carried over to me. By the end of the show, I felt so different toward illegal immigrants. I never realized the hardships that they go through and how hard and costly the immigration process is.

Like I’ve mentioned in my video blog, the reason the show was so effective was because of the limited distractions and intimate setting. The performance took place in a small room, and in front of a small audience; the number of people Carlo had to interact with was small, and so he could focus more intently on the few that were there. Also, the stage/set wasn’t full of unnecessary distractions. There was barely anything on the stage, and there was no need for the audience to be looking anywhere else but at Carlo. The way the stage was set up forced the audience to look at Carlo and what he was doing. I felt a connection to Carlo; even though I don’t know him, I know him.

When Carlo talked about his brother, Pacelli and how he had to stay behind, I was so moved. Having three siblings myself, I can’t imagine how hard it must have been to leave behind a sibling, even though Carlo was never so close with him. I don’t blame Carlo’s parents for leaving behind his other siblings because it wasn’t easy. It was a decision they had to make and they felt it was for the best. Carlo’s relationships were affected but that was part of the journey. He’s not given up so much but rather so much has been taken away from him, in his and his family’s quest to have a better life.

The reason I was most affected by this piece is because I’ve learned to be so grateful for having been born here. My parents came here and sacrificed their families, and the lives they had in Pakistan, so they can provide us with a better life. Intringulis has taught me to be really appreciate for the sacrifices my parents made for us, my siblings and I. I feel so lucky to be in this country today, and can’t imagine myself anywhere else. If I was living in Pakistan today, I would be a different person.

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NYC’s Halloween 1

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