KF Plant Life I

Posted in Kathleen Felisca, Photojournal | Leave a comment

Vlog – The Magic of Music

I hope this video changes you and your opinion of magic.


Posted in 06.Video Blog, Blog | 2 Comments

It’s only a few steps away

Posted in Photojournal, Rui Yan Ma | Comments Off on It’s only a few steps away


Posted in Photojournal, Vishal Vig | Leave a comment

Jodi 4

Posted in Jodi Wong, Photojournal | Leave a comment

Top of the Rock (Jodi 3)

Posted in Jodi Wong, Photojournal | Leave a comment

Brasserie Ruhlman (Jodi 2)

Posted in Jodi Wong, Photojournal | Leave a comment

Jodi 1

Posted in Jodi Wong, Photojournal | Leave a comment

RS 10/3 – 10/9


Posted in Photojournal, Rawan Shafi | Leave a comment

I have the utmost respect for Vloggers right now.

I feel like I should include a whole introduction about how hard it is to make sense and not mumble when you’re just speaking your mind with no script, but I feel like you guys all went through the same thing. Motion to respect Youtube Vloggers WAY more than we did before?

Posted in 06.Video Blog, Blog | Leave a comment