
CLASS #3 (9/22):

  • Discuss your visit to the Highline- does that constitute art? Why visit it as part of this class? How do the plays and films you saw portray people of a privileged economic class? How are concepts like gentrification reflected in art? What role do artists play in that process? Discussion of Photojournal Project and a short history of photography.
    • Assignments for the next class:
      1. READINGS:
        • In Arabia We’d All Be Kings by Stephen Adley Gurgis
      2. FILMS:
        • Breakfast at Tiffany’s (Edwards, 1961)
      3. BLOG #3: Is there an image or artwork so far that you think epitomizes your idea of “Uptown”/wealthy New York? What is it and why do you think this image has meaning to you?
      4. Your photo journal is due every Sunday at midnight from now until 12/1. Please include this assignment in your weekly plans from now on.

CLASS #4 (9/29):

  • Several pieces we have viewed so far deal with issues of class and aspiration. Where do you see yourself in this spectrum? How accurate were these portrayals? The New York Neighborhoods Podwalk Project will be handed out and groups assigned in this class.
    • Assignments for the next class:
  1. FILMS:
  • Gangs of New York (Scorcese, 2002)
  • A Sucker Emcee (10/1) @7:30PM The Bank Street Theater
  1. BLOG #5: Review the performance. What worked about? What didn’t? What communities would this performance appeal to?

CLASS #5 (10/6):

  • We will be discussing the significance of artworks that relate to and reflect cultural and ethnic identity. How have different immigrant groups added to the culture of New York City? How do they create a new culture that fuses their identities to the city as a whole? We will also have a discussion of the role artists play in communicating culture and tradition from their communities of origin.
    • Assignments for next class:
      1. READINGS:
        • Yellow Face by David Henry Hwang
      2. FILM:
        • Do the Right Thing (Lee, 1989)
      3. SNAPSHOT NYC:
        • Take your SNAPSHOT NYC photo this week on 10/11
      4. BLOG #6: Video Blog! Queens is the most diverse borough in New York City, and one of the most diverse communities anywhere. To what cultural or ethnic communities do you belong? Is there an artwork (it can be a song, a piece of fine art, a dance, or a performing art piece) that has a special significance in your culture? What is it and what does it signify to you?