Sep 17

Narrative and Curatorial Assignment

The Narrative and Curatorial Assignment has been posted here.  By next week, you will see a number of resources that will help you create your own website, where this (and other assignments) will be posted.  Depending on time, I will also be able to either hold a small workshop with those of you who may be interested, or individual office hours to help with troubleshooting as you embark on creating your own site.  For now, note that you can *only* build your site using E-portfolios!


Sep 17

TONIGHT at BAM for Café Müller/The Rite of Spring

Dear All-

You have a few emails in your inbox reminding you that we will be meeting TONIGHT (9/14) at BAM in Brooklyn for the performance of Café Müller/The Rite of Spring.  Please arrive at 7p sharp. Details here.

*This is a mandatory performance.

Prof. Heath will not be joining us as she is now in Florida, and because of the storm/hurricane she is unable to return to NY until later in the week.

Look forward to seeing you all!


Sep 17

Tomorrow (Tuesday, 9/12) visit the Whitney Museum

We will not meet as a class tomorrow, Tuesday. Instead, you are expected to go to the Hélio Oiticica exhibit (To Organize Delirium) independently. Remember we will all be meeting on  Thursday night for Café Mûller/ The Rites of Spring at BAM in Brooklyn.


Sep 17

Week of September 11-17 and beyond

Hi everyone,

There are a couple of changes to the schedule next week that I wanted to let you know about as soon as possible. If you see your classmates on Monday or early on Tuesday, please be sure to see that they’ve received and read this announcement (also sent as an e-mail)l and are up to date with the class news.

First, we’ve had a bit of a change of plan with our Tuesday session. Due to a combination of unexpected travel, bureaucratic mishaps, and some planning issues, we will not be going to the Whitney on Tuesday. In fact, the Whitney is closed on Tuesday. Instead, I am going to ask you to go to the Whitney Museum of American Art and visit the Hélio Oiticica exhibit (To Organize Delirium) independently sometime in the next week. The Whitney is free to students with a CUNY ID, so you will need to bring your Baruch ID to gain free admission.

The blog assignment related to this exhibit (BA #3: Organizing Delirium) is now posted in the assignments section of the course blog site.  You will need to post a selfie of yourself within the exhibit and also complete the blog assignment for credit. I look forward to discussing the exhibit with you via the course blog.

We will meet again on Thursday for Café Mûller/ The Rites of Spring at BAM (Brooklyn Academy of Music). In preparation for the performance, please read the section of Modris Epstein’s The Rites of Spring, which will provide you a better sense of the historical context in which this piece was first performed as well as way to appreciate an unusual piece. The reading can be found in the readings section of the course blog site. I will look forward to discussing the readings and the performance with you after the show (via the blog and then in our next class)

Café Mûller/ The Rites of Spring is performing at the BAM Howard Gilman Opera House, which is inside the Peter Jay Sharp Building. You can find directions about how to get to the venue here. We will meet in the lobby of the Opera House at 7:00 pm on Thursday, September 14. YOU MUST BE ON TIME to receive a ticket. DO NOT BE LATE.

And finally, please remember that Macaulay has organized the Night at the Museum at the Brooklyn Museum on September 18th. This is required by Macaualy. Joe Ugoretz has sent you an e-mail with all the details; please refer any questions about the event to him.

To recap: We will not meet as a class on Tuesday. Instead you will plan to go to the Hélio Oiticica exhibit (To Organize Delirium) independently. We will meet next as a class on Thursday night for Café Mûller/ The Rites of Spring at BAM in Brooklyn.

Please also know that I am currently in South Florida, and my access to the internet may be limited over the next couple of days as a result of Hurricane Irma. If you try to e-mail me, and I do not respond, please be patient. I will do so as soon as I am able.

Professor Heath


Sep 17

Text to be read in preparation for performance (9/14)

The first reading has been uploaded.  Please print and read before the 9/14 performance.


Sep 17

Blog Assignment #2

The instructions for BA #2: Museum Stories has been posted to the Assignment section. Please take a moment to look at the instructions and plan to complete it by the deadlines (Sunday, September 10th for submission to the course blog and comments to classmates by Monday, September 11th).

Aug 17

Welcome to the course site!

Dear Students,

This site will be used to house the course syllabus and  all class assignments, readings, and any information related to field trips. An introductory tutorial on how to use the site will be given at the beginning of the semester, and soon you will be able to begin posting for your weekly Blog entries.

If any point you have questions about the site, or about any of other project that requires you to interface with a tech tool, please reach out to me.  I’ll be available for in-person consultations, and also online via Google Hangout and Skype.

Also make sure to check the resources page where I will be posting short tutorials on a number of topics related to blog/site management and project-specific tools.

Enjoy the course, and have a fruitful and exciting semester!

Your neighborhood ITF