The jet lag seems to be wearing off: even though I woke up at around 4am, I was able to fall back asleep until around 9am. I decided to head out to CityU at around 11:30. It was here that I was finally able to meet the other student from the College of Staten Island. It was nice being able to talk to someone from New York. There was not much done today at the university other than attending two talks, one on outside-of-classroom activities and the other on anti-corruption culture in Hong Kong, and receiving my student ID. The first talk was comprised of multiple people discussing various activities, including HOPE – Hong Kong and an English Mentor/Mentee Program that people can sign up to teach/learn English. The second talk focused more on ethics, specifically how one’s person’s actions can affect others, him/herself included. It also discussed how people would compromise their own integrity to get instant gratification.

After going to the university, I decided to walk with another friend to the mall that is close by. While we were there, we happened to see an ice-skating rink, a theatre, a McDonald’s, a Toys ‘R’ Us, and a food court, among other stores. We decided to get some Japanese food at the food court since it was for a pretty good price (42 for mine, 47 for my friend’s) and it looked really good. After eating at the food court, we checked out the McDonald’s and were surprised to see that macarons and macaroons, among other pastries, were available.

It was getting late, so I decided to stop by my aunt [Miriam]’s workplace to relax, and eventually, I went back to my uncle [B]’s place to prepare things for tomorrow.

Day 3: fin~