Another long day today… morning was as usual the food chem tutorial and lecture, and afterwards was a break in which I spent time studying for Chinese. Then was my Chinese exam, which was difficult (to me) to the point that I’m really grateful that GPA does not get affected so long as I pass the course.

With the exam off my shoulder, I could unwind for a bit, and I was able to in the volunteer place. It was also the final week for volunteering, and to commemorate this, there was a small party as well as a mini awards ceremony to award the students who were willing to learn a lot and put in a lot of effort into the material. I thought it was a fun experience.

Finally, after volunteering, I had my final environment class, which wrapped things up for the class and also discussed what will be on the final quiz.

Afterwards, I celebrated a friend’s birthday and checked out the Lego display. The structures built were really amazing; I’ve never seen anything quite like them before. More pictures to come later, since the display is on until Thursday, and when I went, it was about to close for the day.