This day was spent traveling with my uncle, aunt, and two cousins. We began traveling at around 10.

The first stop we went to was Stanley (赤柱). We observed the fine scenery from the beach and then went to the cemetery of people who served in wars such as World War II. Afterwards, we walked around the shopping plaza of its namesake.

Our next stop was the Peak (山頂). Again, we observed the scenery nearby and walked around the plaza. I was able to take some aerial views of Hong Kong that was quite reminiscent of the view from the Sky 100. Later, we attempted to trek a 2300-m hiking trail but soon gave up after traveling for about 500 m due to a limited amount of time to hike. At this point, one of my cousins left but another one of my cousins came to travel with us.

Our final stop of the day was 連香, this time in 上環 (Sheung Wan). I really liked the vegetables there and there was quite a bit of food in general.