After taking the final exam, I felt so free and accomplished since the class was complete and I was able to learn a lot more about public health and policies with regards to water, such as water-related diseases.

I went with a few of my friends to go to La Sirena (a store) and the souvenir place to get some last-minute souvenirs (such as cards, coffee, and candy). We then found a person who made some custom shirts, allowing us to write what we wanted on the shirt with a specific design. It was a really great deal, only charging each of us 250 pesos. We planned on going back later since it took about half an hour for each shirt.

While we were waiting, we went to the professor’s place to celebrate our completion of the program. We ate some pizza and went to his roof to give him gifts while reflecting upon the great things that occurred throughout the trip. It was a really enjoyable time.

Afterwards, my friends and I left to meet the person who made the custom shirts to collect them and pay him. We got the idea to purchase a shirt for our professor with his name (both in English and Chinese as we discussed with him how his name looked like in Chinese just before), and another one of our classmates wanted one, so we decided to get more shirts done. Some of us observed how he made the prints on the shirts, while the rest of us either stayed close by to wait.

After taking the concho back to the hotel, we stuck around for a while before a group of us headed out to the seafood restaurant that a few of us went a couple of days ago (the 22nd), this time for dinner. The ambience was really great, having amazing live jazz and Latin American music. Speaking of live music, I thought it was amazing that the keyboardist allowed me to play on stage for a song. Even though it wasn’t much (both in the amount I played as well as the quality of my playing), it was the experience that mattered. It was a really enjoyable experience.

Finally, we went back to the hotel where I stayed up to talk with friends and treasure this final night at Hotel Platino. It felt so unreal; we were leaving the next day! I took extra photos to remember everything.