Please update your ePortfolio accounts!

You’ve got your personal sites going and you’ve registered for the course site, you say? Great, but there’s one more thing I hope you’ll do as we get this semester rolling!

  1. Log in and go to the “Dashboard”, the back end or inner workings of your sites. You can do this from either your own personal site or from the class site.
  2. Click on your name (to the right of “Howdy”) in the upper-right corner of the screen.  Make sure that you select your full name (ex: “Lindsey Freer”) from the drop-down menu next to “display name publicly as”. You want your posts to be signed with your full name, not your username.
  3. In the same screen, also change your password (if you have not done so) to protect the privacy of your account. Make sure to jot down your username and password somewhere so you can log into your ePortfolio account in the future.
  4. Add an image of yourself (preferably a headshot) so that we get to know one another more quickly.  To do this, go to “my account” (top left of screen, in the menu bar) and choose “profile” and then “change avatar.”  you can then upload a picture that will travel around with you on the ePortfolio site.


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