In Depth: The Politics of Religious Freedom, with Sy Sternberg, Executive in Residence

Join us on Wednesday, September 15 at 6:30pm for dinner and a lively, In Depth conversation. As the debate over the building of the proposed Muslim Cultural Center near Ground Zero continues, what are the lines being drawn on both the local and national political landscape? Should there be limits to religious freedom in this country in the interests of the collective remembrance of a national tragedy? Do the most extreme segments of any religion require extreme vigilance that would otherwise be at odds with our nation’s most fundamental constitutional rights? Follow this link to RSVP.

In Depth is held at Macaulay Honors College, 35 West 67th Street, Manhattan. If you would like to be a student moderator for this or other In Depth discussions, please contact Drew Adair, 212-729-2946,

Mark your calendars for other In Depth events:

Thursday, November 4: 21st-Century Peacekeeping
Wednesday, February 9: Will a California-like budget disaster come to New York State?
Thursday, April 5: The Future of the Workplace

Sign up for these events at the RSVP site.

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