Monday, January 10th, 2011...9:34 pm


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Just when this trip began to feel like a vacation, we realized we had to go to classes. 🙁

So we went to classes last Monday and took a placement test.  The written test was alright but the oral one was pretty difficult.  Considering the last time I took spanish was four years ago, I guess it wasn’t that bad but, I still blanked.

Our classes are being held in the Facultad de Derecho, which is the Law School.   It is a 5 minute walk from our hotel, which, if I didn’t mention before, is waaaayyyyyyyyy better the hotel in Buenos Aires. Our hotel is called “13 de Julio,” which translates to “July 13th Hotel.” Argentines tend to name their streets and hotels after important dates in history.  Although this gets really confusing when your hotel “13 de Julio”  is on Avenue “9 de Julio.” Oh, Argentina!

They refuse to talk to us in English in classes but you catch on quickly.  One of our professors speaks really fast though.  I’m still also getting used to the Argentine accent.  They use the “vos” instead of “tu.”  I haven’t even heard of “vos” before I came here! Also, they pronounce the “ll” sound as something like “zjcho.” So. words like “pollo” and “llama” sound really weird.

So every week of classes terminates in a project and out first one was on my favorite subject, food! More about this on my next post!


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