Sunday, December 26th, 2010...4:22 pm

Go away snow. Nobody wants you here.

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My flight got cancelled because of the snow,
Now I have to wait two more days to go.
I will miss the tour of Buenos Aires and the tango show,
But this does mean I have more time to pack though.

I should be on a flight to Dallas right now if it weren’t for this snow.  This morning, I woke up and began to get ready for my flight at 2:20 pm, which I hoped was early enough that it wouldn’t be cancelled.  I was wrong.  It was cancelled.  So then, my friends and I tried to reschedule to an earlier flight at 12:25 pm.  This also got cancelled.  Then, we tried to get on a flight tonight  at 10 pm that was flying directly to Buenos Aires.  At this point, I wondered how this flight wasn’t cancelled when the snow was supposed to get WORSE as the day went on.  Right after this thought, I was informed that this flight was also cancelled.  So then we tried to get on the direct flight for tomorrow. Can you guess what happened next? That’s right! This flight was also cancelled.  As of now, I am booked for the direct flight on Tuesday.

This whole experience was pretty depressing.  Since I will be arriving so late, I’m going to miss the city tour of Buenos Aires and the Tango Show.  Oh well, at least I don’t miss the bus to Mar del Plata.  Lets just hope that this snow clears by Tuesday so my adventure can begin!!


  •   Jane Shaji
    December 26th, 2010 at 9:08 pm    

    i know this whole day was so sad! its okay , we’ll just live it up when we get there!

  •   Albina Khayrulina
    December 27th, 2010 at 6:34 pm    

    Jaya, I love your blog. I love the little rap snippets.
    And we need to tell snow that this good relationship we had with it, its OVA!

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