Monday, December 27th, 2010...11:56 pm

Snow is crazy yo.

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Hey yo, what’s with all this snow
Making me wait til tomorrow
To get on my plane?
I think I’m gonna go insane
thinking bout this flight
I cant even sleep at night

so im thinking its a conspiracy
by that rapper dude B.o.b
He’s the one who caused us all this pain
by making wishes outta all the airplanes
and rite now, i dont care about the critics
so im gonna change the lyrics
to “can we pretend that stuck cars
in the white snow, are like shooting stars
i could really use a wish right now”
Because my street aint plowed
and theres no way i can get out of the house
unless you expect me to fly out on a cloud…

And whats with all these airports, like JFK
What in the world were they doing all day?
They knew about this blizzard weather
but didnt bother to make things better
You know they couldve planned it
So that less people were stranded
but no now everyone’s stuck
and theyre all outta luck
Cuz the mcdonalds is outta food
and you know that aint good

So what’s with this snow
Ruining our plans, you know
Stopping our flight to Argentina
and to Egypt for Simmi and Albina
But we’ll get there eventually
even as our frustration grows exponentially
Soon, we be rocking Buenos Aires in style
and Albina and Simmi will be chillin by the Nile
And soon all of this will be just a memory
about how we survived the blizzard of the century


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